Words on Art
Fra Angelico: Christ enters hell, 1441-2, fresco, 183 x 1166 cm (Florence: San Marco, Cell 31)
Nigel teaches on a range of art-historical themes:
general overview courses of the whole canon of Western art
more specialised courses on nineteenth and twentieth-century art
a range of topics uniting Christianity and art
He has lectured at, among others, the Greenbelt arts festival; C S Lewis Foundation Oxbridge summer school; All Soul’s, Langham Place visual arts group; L’Abri Fellowship, Greatham. As a freelance, he has taught for Houghton College, New York; Wheaton College, Illinois; Biola University, Los Angeles; Point Loma Nazarene College, San Diego.
He leads retreats to focus on ‘Art and Bible’, looking for instance, at how the good news of Jesus affected the art of Michelangelo and Rembrandt; and also looking at the work of various contemporary Christian artists.
For examples of his writing, click on Publications on the home page.