Nigel Halliday

Words on Art

and the Art of Words

New this month

Easter in art: Nigel will be speaking at:

All Saints, Eastbourne on Wednesday 2nd April, 7.30 pm

and Widcombe Baptist Church, Bath on Saturday 5th April, 7.00 for 7.30 pm

Both events admission free. All welcome

The talk at Widcombe will be livestreamed: search ‘Youtube Widcombe Baptist Church livestream’

Some of Nigel’s ‘Easter in art’ and ‘Christmas in art’ lectures are available online. Click on the ‘Publications’ link above.

If you are interested in hosting a talk on e.g. ‘Christmas in art’, ‘Easter in art’, ‘Rembrandt: an artist living in sin’, ‘Michelangelo and the Reformation’, use the Contact page here.

Words on Art

Nigel Halliday is a freelance art historian, lecturer and teacher. He studied History of Art at Cambridge University and the Courtauld Institute, London. He teaches the whole canon of Western art from Giotto onwards, but his main interests have been nineteenth- and twentieth-century art. He has also researched and lectured on Michelangelo and Rembrandt, and particularly the influence of Protestant belief on their work.

He writes articles and exhibition reviews for the Christian press, and leads retreats and study sessions around the themes of ‘Art and the Bible’, as well as other Biblical teaching. He is a Research Fellow of the Kirby Laing Institute for Public Theology in Cambridge.

The Art of Words

Nigel is also a freelance copywriter, editor and proof-reader. He has written inspiring and original copies for clients, ranging from a major software manufacturer down to an internet start-up; and has worked as an editor and proof-reader for several major UK publishers. For more details CLICK HERE

He edited Margins, collections of short stories from the Morphe Writers Collective. Get a copy here:

Contact us.